I just got these Pictures from Male' from a very concerned friend. It seems the Scout Association has became a new Victim of Vandalism.
The Sign Board which read "The Scout Association of Maldives" (as seen from the top most picture which i took in early 2009)had been removed from the wall and now it finds it self leaning on to the wall resting on the ground.
The building "Bandaara Villa" happens over 50 years old and it is used both Majeediyya School; to house the School Principal on one side and by the Scout Association of Maldives as its main office in the country on the other side.
Earlier the walls of this building had graffiti all over it, being a Scout I remember in 2008 or 2007 (not very sure) I my self was part of a team of Scouts that re-painted the Association yet graffiti finds it self very prone to the walls of this very building.
I have also got information that the Scout Association did have an intention of replacing the board renaming it as the "National Headquarters of the Scout Association of Maldives". With the vandalized board the Association could put up the new board up soon.
However, I must say that these acts of Vandalism specially targeted to such Associations, Schools and government offices should be stopped and should not be encouraged. It is sad to see such acts becoming common in Maldives.