Suggestions for a Better Scouting in Maldives

Being a person who have learned a lot of values, skills and knowledge from the Scout Movement there is very little I can give back to the movement. But I want to express some ideas, suggestions and opinion. I just want to bring some of the issues to your attention!

The Scout Association of Maldives (SAM) needs dramatic change!! and these changes need to be FAST!! The Present Constitution and by laws of the Scout association needs to be amended as soon as possible!! I am aware that there had once been a strong enthusiastic work done to bring amendments to the Constitution and By-laws, however:

The present By Laws and Constitution followed by SAM which I believe is the one Adopted on 28th January 1984 and amended 23rd July 1993, 24th September 1994 and May 2001 ( I hope i am correct):
In this: CONSTITUTION OF THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF MALDIVES, Article 5 (Powers and Duties), Clause (b) say:

The Association has Power: - To Form Local Branches and Committees in all parts of Maldives, and to Organize courses, workshops, seminars, activities and Publish and sell or distribute papers, books, pamphlets and information for the purpose of stimulating interest in, and promoting the objects of the Association, and to take all other measures which may seem necessary for providing and maintaining an efficient organization for the purpose of the Association.

I think it is high time that the Scout Association Start decentralizing the organization. The Scout Association needs to broaden its activities and strengthen its program, to do so Local Branches need to be set up as soon as possible. Provincial Scout Headquarters with provincial Scout commissioners need to elected/appointed to over see, coordinate and organize Scout activities at a provisional/Local level. This will also attract more scout leaders and ultimately results will include increase in membership growth and attractive program etc... It can only then be an efficient organization.

The By-Laws are also required to be amended in order to exercise a more Democratic procedure in bringing together the National Executive Committee.

currently it states in

BY-LAWS, Article 4 (Chief commissioner) Clause (a) say:

The Chief Commissioner shall be elected by the National Scout Council and Shall be a person holding the wood badge or who has formerly served the National Movement in an Executive post for a medium of Six years. The appointment shall be for a term of three years and may at the end of that term be extended by resolution of the National Scout council for a second term of three years. Such appointment shall not exceed two consecutive terms. The Chief Commissioner shall be accountable to the president and the National Scout Council, and be responsible for the management of the affairs of the Association in accordance with its established policy.
BY-LAWS, Article 29 (Election of National Commisoners) Clause (a) say:

National Commissioners shall be elected by the Council and nominations shall be made by the executive committee. In case of any vacancy or due retirement from office of any National Commissioners, the Executive Committee shall send one nomination for each vacancy for elections to the Council within 21 days after any such vacancy or 45 days prior to any retirement. Such nominations must be sent to the council members in writing through the secretary and should state the name of office for which nominations are made and include the resume and and written consent of the nominee. The president shall then convene a meeting of the council within 15 days but 7 days after advising the nominations to all members, to hold elections.

I believe the election of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE should be held in the Annual General meeting where representatives/delegates from each and every registered scout group in Maldives should vote!! This a more democratic procedure. The current By-laws does not allow this. Therefore amending this is needed as soon as possible.

Involving Young Adults in decision making level is one of the priorities and resolutions passed in the World Scout Conference, it is important that there be a Youth representative/Young Adult member in all levels of decision making process in Scouting. Therefore there should also be amendments made to include Young Adults (18-26) in both the National Scout council and the National Executive Committee of the Association.

There are 5 Youth Advisers elected by the World Youth Forum to represent the Youth at world level. And there are 7 Young Adult Members elected from the APR Youth forum to represent the APR Youth at regional Level. this is also a best practice in many other NSO's as well!!


I believe there should be more powers vested on to the Annual General Meeting since this is the body where SCOUTING IN MALDIVES is actually represented! More powers should be vested upon it!!

Under BY-LAWS Article 15 (Annual General Meeting Of the Council) Clause (e) (the Business of the Annual General Meeting of the Scout Council Shall be:-) this has six sub Clauses.
Theis gives very limited job to the Annual general meeting.

If we look at the structure of the WOSM it clearly shows us that the decision making body is the World Scout Conference! Same goes in APR the APR regional Scout Conference is the top in Hierarchy. This is also the best practice of governing in most of the NSO's and it is a successful structure.

This should not only be applied for the National Executive Committee but also to the National Scout Council itself.

however first its necessary to draw up a guideline and rules of procedure for the AGM. (There should also be Local/provincial annual general meetings as well)


One major issue faced with the Association today is lack of resources, personnel and facility to run Scouting. We need to establish a more attractive program including the Youth section as well. There are not many Rovers in the country because of this. And a lot of leaders are leaving the movement.

Sub-committees need to function under each Commissioner!! this will provide more opportunity to both leaders and rovers to get involved in SAM. this is already on the By-Laws but I think the only effective sub-committee is the training team.

I also believe that the reason why some commissioners are INEFFECTIVE is due to this!! This can be achieved I believe as I have mentioned above by DECENTRALIZING SAM.


Rover scouts are among leaders, Rover Scouts are especially the young adult leaders aged between 18 and 24. They contribute themselves in units or troops by supporting unit leaders. On the other hands, they can organize their own Rover Scout Unit/Crew by themselves and do several challenging Rover Scout projects/program.

A National Rover Scout Committee/Council should be established in the SAM.
And it should consist of Young Adults as the decision making of young people is very important. The objective of this committee would be to set up and operate Rover Scout projects in the country. The committee can also be established both in national and local/provisional level. It becomes the bridge to recruit future leaders. This is a followed in many NSO's as well. This will increase the number of Rovers and prepare a more responsible generation of youth members to lead the Association in future.

There had also been a recommendation passed from the earlier Youth forum in Japan which recommended NSO's to organize National Youth Forums in the countries. Members to the National Rover Scout Committee/Council can be elected at the National Youth forum.


SAM should open up a National Scout fund so that it would help finance more scout activities in the country on national, provisional and individual group level. I am sure there are going to be a lot of people more than willing to contribute to a Scout fund if it is opened. Proper auditing and financial reports could be made. This is also successfully practiced in many NSO's.

Well these are not the only suggestions or things we need to look into, the list goes on. My point here is, Scouting in Maldives need HOPE!!! we need things to get better!!

I am just an admirer of the Scout Movement, All i want is to see Maldivian Scouting Bright and shinning as it once was.