Education system ... a proposed solution ...

This was a comment made Anonymously to my post on the Education System;
"My thoughts ... The education System in Maldives (2) Deciding future aged 13, is this fair?"
I support the comment that was made.

Anonymous said...

We really need to change the system and allow every child to study at least 10 subjects up to 9th grade. Some of the international schools in Malaysia make it compulsory for students to learn English , Maths and the three sciences - chemistry, physics, biology. But children should choose at least two subjects from the Arts stream and Business stream.

In addition children are encouraged to choose one from IT, Creative Arts, drama or music. If there’s a strong interest in English Literature that opportunity is provided as an optional 11th subject. If it is a Muslim student and who wish to do IGCSE Islam the opportunity is given to do the exam in 9th grade before the exams after completing 10th grade.

I believe it's a method we can have in the Maldives and it would broaden up our children's minds and an opportunity to learn and understand what they like most and to realise their strengths and weaknesses. In the 10th grade they can drop their weakest subjects or the one’s they don’t have much interest and focus on their stronger and most interested subjects and complete their IGCSE or O’levels.

To have such a system we need to change the way we think. The parents cannot be making excuses and saying it would be too hard and harsh on their children to do so many subjects. It's about setting priorities, willing to work hard and be balancing it all. The policy makers need to rethink and restructure our education system to make it possible.