I have included two reading materials (as links) in this post. Its important to remind ourselves and to get back on the right track. Every leader and volunteer in scouting should know and understand these basics. It is the leaders who lead the scout movement i.e. the Scout Association of Maldives, and therefore its essential that leaders know what they are doing.
Series -1:
Intended Target group:
- Commissioners
- Leaders in decision making
- Members of different committees within SAM
- Leaders
Find :
A reference document containing the full text of WOSM's Policy on Adult Resources as adopted by the 33rd World Scout Conference in Bangkok, 1993.
A reference document containing the full text of WOSM's Policy on Adult Resources as adopted by the 33rd World Scout Conference in Bangkok, 1993.
“Adults in Scouting” provides the requirements and guidelines approved by the World Scout Conference for the acquisition, training and personal development, and management of the adult resources necessary for accomplishing the Mission of the Movement.
“Adults in Scouting” provides the requirements and guidelines approved by the World Scout Conference for the acquisition, training and personal development, and management of the adult resources necessary for accomplishing the Mission of the Movement.
These guidelines and requirements constitute the World Adult Resources Policy which sets out the respective responsibilities of National Scout Associations and the various regional and world bodies of WOSM.
2-The World Program Policy (link)
Contains the policy statement adopted by the 32nd World Scout Conference, and relevant background material. The policy defines youth programme, describes the process of programme development, comments on programme delivery, and outlines the responsibilities of national Scout associations and the World Organization of the Scout Movement in this field.
Hope that you will find both the publications resourceful. It is important to know than assume to know.
I will continue to post these Scouting resources / publications as series's, with different target groups, where I hope to attach important scouting material that leaders could go through and be aware of. I have come across many older and more senior leaders who have no clue on these policies and publications, yet they seem to pretend to be aware ...
Anyway hope that this stuff will help... I know that most of the leaders have the material with them but I would like to remind them not to just keep these materials in an old shelf but to go through them and understand them. At least read them. (Most of this stuff can be good toilet reading material too, in case some don't find the time)
Wishing all the very best for Maldivian Scouting!! working to create a better scouting in Maldives!!
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[Click (link) on each sub-heading to go to the respective links]