Youth Involvement in Scouting - Maldives: National Rover Scout Council (NRC)

Concept Paper 2
National Rover Scout Council (NRC)


Youth Involvement is an area in Scouting that has been debated and discussed throughout the scout world. Involving Youth or to be specific Young Adults (18-26) has been a priority at regional as well as world level in Scouting. Scouting is a Movement FOR the youth therefore it’s only fair that young adults or the youth have a say in the decisions that are made that will directly or indirectly effect them. As a movement that works to create a better society that will lead ultimately to create a better world, with its purpose to create better citizens by giving its youth members leadership skills and citizenship training it is essential that youth be given priority and status within the movement.

At world level there are Youth Advisors elected for the World Scout Conference to be members of the World Scout Committee to raise Youth issues and give their opinions and suggestions to the decisions that are made for the betterment of the movement.

At regional level the Regional Scout Youth Forum elects Young Adult Members from participants who represent the region to work in different regional Sub-committees and its chairman to sit in the regional Scout Committee. Young Adult Members of the region become the youth voice of that region and work to achieve the recommendations and resolutions that have deal directly and indirectly with the youth and Scouting in general.

Proposed Concept:

Provincial OR Regional Rover Councils (PRCs/RRCs)

These Rover Councils are elected by the Provincial or Regional Scout Youth Forums where certain proposals, recommendations and other suggestions will be made. They will be responsible to carry out and achieve the recommendations and action plans and steps that had been put forward by the Provincial or Regional Scout Youth Forums.

These Provincial or Regional Rover Councils will have to work closely with the headquarters and its provincial or Regional Commissioner. The Council will incorporate with the concerned departments in organizing and conducting scouting activities and events within their region or province.

The Council will report back to the National Rover Council that will be established after being elected by the National Scout Youth Forum. Both the councils shall share experience as well as knowledge and provide as much assistance to one another.

Members of the Provincial or Regional Rover Councils will work with the Provincial or Regional Scout Councils that will consist of leaders from that particular province or region. Each member of this Rover council should be appointed by the Provincial or Regional Scout Council as members of various different sub-committees with the Province or Region. The Chairman who is to be elected among the members of the council should become a member of the Provincial or Regional Scout Council, with equal opportunity and rights as that of any other member in the Provincial or Regional Scout Council. Scouting as a movement in Maldives should decentralize and branch out in order to achieve this.


·         Will be a Youth lead council consisting of Young Adults who have been elected by the Provincial or Regional Scout Youth Forum.
·         Work to achieve the resolutions as well as the recommendations passed form the Provincial or Regional Scout Youth Forum.
·         Will provide assistance to the Young adults namely Rovers of that particular Province or Region.
·         Will provide assistance to the Provincial or Regional Scout Council and Provincial or Regional Scout Commissioners to formulate, conduct, organize and facilitate different scouting as well as community based activities and events.
·         Once elected the members should take up the responsibility to keep a network or maintain connection between the participants of the Provincial or Regional Scout Youth Forum.
·         The chairman who is elected among the members of the council shall also be a member of the Provincial or Regional Scout Council and other members should be included as members of other various committees and councils within the Province or Region.
·         The council should keep in contact and report back to the National Rover Scout Council that will be established when elected from the National Scout Youth Forum.
·         Make proposals, suggestions and other recommendations when necessary and propose to concerned departments of the headquarters and Association.
·         Should contribute at their level best in raising different pressing youth issues in scouting as well as the community.
·         Work together with the society/community to identify areas where scouts can contribute, and coordinate and organize activities and events to work to create a better society or community.

National Rover Scout Council

The National Rover Council should be elected from the National Scout Youth Forum where all scout groups should be given the equal opportunity to apply for representation and elections. The elected Rover Council Should again elects a Chairman among them. Also two Vice-chairman should be elected.

The NRC will work closely with the National Executive committee of the Scout Association of Maldives providing them with advice, proposals, suggestions and ideas. Members of the NRC should be made members of the various Scout committees within the Association where they become assets in giving creative ideas as well as voice out their youth concerns and issues.

The Chairman and two Vice Chairmen of the NRC should become members of the National Scout Council giving Youth representation in the highest decision making body of the Scout Association.

The NRC should be given the opportunity to organize and conducts events and activities both to scouts and general youth population of the country.

It should keep close relations with the Provincial or Regional Rover Councils providing them with the necessary support, guidance and resources.
The NRC should also be in constant contact with different scout groups through Provincial or Regional Rover Councils providing them too with guidance as well as support and resources.

The Functions and principles for the NRC:

·         Will be a Youth lead council consisting of Young Adults who have been elected by the National Scout Youth Forum.
·         Work to achieve the resolutions as well as the recommendations passed form the National Scout Youth Forum.
·         Will provide assistance to the Young adults namely Rovers of Maldives.
·         Will provide assistance to the Provincial or Regional Rover Council
·         Once elected the members should take up the responsibility to keep a network or maintain connection between the participants of the National Scout Youth Forum.
·         The chairman and two Vice-chairman who are elected among the members of the council shall also be a member of the National Scout Council and other members should be included as members of other various committees and councils within Association.
·         The council should keep in contact and report back to the National Scout Council
·         Make proposals, suggestions and other recommendations when necessary and propose to concerned departments of the headquarters and Association (including the Executive Committee)
·         Should contribute at their level best in raising different pressing youth issues in scouting as well as the community.
·         Work together with the society/community to identify areas where scouts can contribute, and coordinate and organize activities and events to work to create a better society or community.
·         Should review and propose amendments to the Youth Program.
·         Should coordinate and organize their own activities and programs for Youth empowerment and development.
·         Prepare for Regional as well as World Scout Youth Forum.
·         Be the Voice of youth in the movement.


It is important that this concept be given constitutional weight from the constitution and By-Laws of the Scout Association of Maldives.

This is practiced method in many NSOs to ensure Youth Participation and Involvement in the decision making level within the Scout Movement. And this method has proven to have become a useful and sustainable method to encourage, empower and develop young Adults in the movement who will latter lead this very movement.

NRC should be a separate body within the NSO that operates as mentioned above with regular reporting and contact with the National Scout Council and also should become a Council that assists the Exceutive committee of the Scout Association as well. 

*This was the Part 3 of the proposal "Youth Involvement in SAM" I had proposed to the Scout Association of Maldives during July 2010.