Come to think of it !! Every Maldivian, to be more precise every Young Maldivian, after completing his/her basic education (lets assume that's A'Levels or O'Levels), 'joins' National Service in the country for a period of maybe one to two years. Whether it be the Maldivian National Defense Force - MNDF (Army, Fire and Rescue, Coast Guard etc ... ), Police Services or similar National Service institutions. Don't you think we will have a better youth generation?
(Hopefully we will have a Civil Fire Fighting force soon and a Civil Paramedic service which could be an addition to the National Service Institutions)
I am not talking about the "forced conscription" that was strictly enforced by the government after the very unfortunate November 3rd failed coup attempt. I am talking about a more 'option' based mechanism, one which will attract the young Maldivian crowd out there. Something that gives youth an opportunity to get them physically fit, a program that can teach important life skills and train them to play a productive roll in the society.
By constitutionally imposing National Service for School leavers, they will be trained to be 'operationally ready' and will end to lead a life as a better citizen hopefully. I am sure that those youth going through this training or better call it National Service program will come out into the society as a mature folk of decent lifestyle and a more aware conscious minded generation. Which sadly seems to be the very important element that we lack in today's Maldivian society.
Well its still a sort of conscripting ... YES ... But this will defiantly change the social situation in the country. Crime rates will go down, so will the rather immature gang-warfare that has some what dominated the neighborhoods in our tinny Island nation.
It seems that the government does have a plan to introduce National Service for School leavers as well ... Here is a Dhivehi article on Haveeru about it >> ޤައުމީ ޚިދުމަތް މަޖުބޫރު ކުރެވިދާނެ