I was going through one of those 'unsorted stuff box' I have been having for quite sometime, found this interesting book mark that explains (as it says) "Principles and Ground Rules of Dialogue". Been trying to figure out who gave this to me, not very sure, but I guess I must have picked it up from one of those workshops or training I have attended to.
Its not much, simply put and quite helpful if you really read them down. Its worth a share:
Principles and Ground Rules for Dialogue
- The purpose of dialogue is to understand and to learn from one another; no one can "win" a dialogue.
- All dialogue participants speak for themselves, not as a representative of others" interest.
- In a dialogue, everyone is treated as an equal; status and stereotypes are left at the door.
- Be open and listen to others, especially when you disagree. Suspend judgement.
- Identify and test assumptions - even your own.
- Listen carefully and respectfully to the views of other; acknowledge you have heard the other, especially when you disagree.
- Look for common ground.
- Express disagreement with ideas, not the personality or motives; disagree without being disagreeable.
- Respect all points of view.
Cheers :)