My eyes were burning. It hurt. I was somehow "crying", but I was sure I was not crying. Was I in pain? I kept asking my mind. Whats going on? Tears ran down as if there was no end. It was unstoppable. Tears, in tears, there I was. I was afraid, very confused. It started to get all fogy. Scary.
"Daddy??" I kept calling. No response. "Daddy where are you ??" repeatedly I called, all I wanted now was his a response. Nothing. My little brothers they were in pain, they too in tears.
I ran out, to see. I needed to know. I needed to see my Dad. I needed to know why I was crying unintentionally and unnecessarily. Out of the door, into street, quick steps.
Fogy it was, never have I seen it so in Male'. Screams everywhere. People running. People crying. More people crying. I was crying. Sirens ... Was it the ambulance? fire? Police? or were they all out there with loud sirens ... I can see smoke ... more smoke ... but nothing was clear. I can't make anything out ... too fogy, eyes full of tears ...
Huge metal container ... it was moving. People running ... fear ... in fright. Away they kept running. More screaming. Can't be. I kept rubbing my eyes, trying to stop the unstoppable. Tears kept on gushing. It pained. I need to make out what it was in front of me. A pole? No ... a cannon? Yes it was a cannon. A cannon, a moving metal container. Armored.
Explosions? No ... can't be ... Not from the NSS armored tank that was in front of us. No. It was just moving. Not firing.
People in masks. Chasing people with no masks. Uniformed. NSS.
"Maeed !! GET IN HERE NOW !!" grabbed me. Pushed me inside. "Wash the face, rinse your eyes, keep washing. Just keep washing".
He was safe, he is home thank god.
"I want everyone to wash their eyes, don't open any doors!!" ordered Dad.
Evan Naseem was beaten to death on 19th September 2003 in Maafushi Jail, sparking a prisoners uprising, guards open fire on protesters killing 3 and wounding 17, causing outbreak of violence followed by NSS brutality in Male'.
This was the night of 20th September 2003. I was 13 years old, going to Grade 8 in Dharumavantha School. The house I live in is on Dhonhuraa Goalhi on Violet Magu. Violet Magu joins with Soasun Magu, where much confrontation took place that night between angry protesters and NSS (National Security Services).