URLmetrics ranked me 4,337,189 in the United States

I had to google up my blog - "Maeed's Blog", to show it to a friend who was telling me that the blog did not appear on the google search results, now of course it wouldn't in his case cause Maeed is not spelled MAID! But here is something interesting I came across in the results: 

Its a website that measures & ranks websites in the United States. Now my blog is run on Blogger which is a free weblog publishing tool by Google, thus the server is located at Google Inc., California, United States. 

According to the statistical analysis that is made from this website, my blog seems to be ranked 4,337,189 in the United States. Yes that is Four million three hundred thirty-seven thousand one hundred eighty-ninth rank in the US. 

It also gives an estimate worth of the blog. So check your own rankings and how much your blog is worth at URLmetrics.