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Photos: Eidhigali Kilhi and Koattey Area - Addu City

The Eidhigali Kilhi and Koattey Area located in Addu City Hithadhoo, is literally the Addu Nature Park. This environmentally significant location has been declared protected on 7th December 2004 and later on 13th September 2018 by the Environment Act of the Maldives. 

The lake at the far end of Hithadhoo is the biggest in the country and attracts varied birdlife to its shores. It has been incorporated into the Eedhigali Kilhi and Kottey Protected Area, which at 570 hectares is the largest of its kind in Maldives. 

On average, the value of ecosystem services of mangrove forests amounts to about 21,100 USD/ha.a (2018 prices). Mangrove forests also provide important regulating ecosystem services (such as carbon sequestration or erosion and flood control), amounting to about 36,100 USD/ha.a.

